Thursday, June 17, 2010

BP Oil Update New

I just add this due to the developing situations in connection to Lindsey Williams and Credo Muthwa and webbot etc. with the Bp Oil Catastrophe. I try to analyze my dreams further and these dreams could be correlated to the Bp oil catastrophe in Gulf of Mexico. The nuclear explosion in Sm Makati Tv that I am watching with Victor Nobleza in that dream could be the Bp oil nuclear option aside from nuclear terrorism or Iran war. Or worst the supervolcano explosion in Gulf of Mexico. The four supervolcano dreams of mine could all be correlated to this Gulf of Mexico catastrophe. This Gulf of Oil catastrophe could also activate other supervolcanoes to be active and also other small volcanoes like Katla, Eyjafjallajökull, Taal etc to be active further. The empty building that I am talking about with Marlits Burgos and Jessica and Lisa with Jenn with Bailey and also with Michelle Dantes is about the Gulf of Mexico areas. I advice to all in that area in Gulf of Mexico to evacuate in casual manner whether you're poor, middleclass, rich or any ideological, religious or racial color or bias you have. Do it in a non panicking manner while there is still time. The cardinal climax astrological configuration of August 01 2010 is nearing in the occult and astrology sector. Manila Bay with lots of trash and damage ships in Luneta with classmates of mine in that dream could have something to do with the Gulf of Mexico. There is a high possibility that top Japanese geological scientists are already present in Gulf of Mexico in connection to that Japanese research institute building dream of mine in this site. They are also worried because lots of faults are also present in Japan. And if this mess in Gulf of Mexico explodes, Japan will feel the impact. Not good for whole of Asia and Russia too. And the events that Jessica and I and others are watching on that mall in that dream on the new tv in the appliance store has something to do with these. I hope I am wrong. Also the ill winds that the webbot is talking about (corexit and other chemicals aside from radioactive elements etc). And the green magma in my dreams, something to do with sulfur and radioactive reactions. Bp equals Blame Paris Hilton equals Bs Paris Hilton equals 216 equals 666. So there. Paris Hilton incoming. Run for your lives. Aside from the truthful lame kidding of Paris, the people should start intelligent evacuation, leave some people in your homes but make sure they can exit immmediately if you can sense something not good is in the Gulf of Mexico is about to occur. I can only see few people telling this to Mexicans and Gulf Coast residents telling them to evacuate. The ptb-ptbs wants these to be another Katrina where only few people are prepared when the storm comes. So evacuate without panic and without violence as possible. My best advice. With these dreams I am having, it is not good. I am also trying to converge and reconcile the following infos from the False Flag Terror Pentagram that begins in New York and Pentagon, Jeffrey Grupp who says the Bp Oil Spill is a hoax and his other conspiracy reports, Henning Kemner with the volcano oil eruption and nibiru and the sun with chemtrails, Carneyart Stacey with his sun and nibiru and that land opening with the new madrid fault line reports, Webbot of George Ure, Lindsey Williams with his conspiracy economic reports, Marc Faber with his doom and gloom reports, Paul Douglas Valentine with her little daughter Cassandra Valentine and Chris Constance Gorilla 199 of youtube, Jsnips with his webbot analysis, Patrick Geryl with his polar shift theory, Zetatalk with Nancy Leider with their polar shift theory even though there is some disinfo and depopulation agenda and reptilian agenda there with regards to Von Helton videos about reptilians with Alex Colliers and also with the glp good for nothing lame paris hilton and antichrist talk sheet ats just kidding and for a truce I will appreciate the important polar shift information with zetatalk because of the important situations that are happening already, Alan Alford with his Phoenix Solution and Gods Of The New Millenium books, Erik Von Danikens with his Chariots Of The Gods and the movie The Thing, Zechariah Sitchin with his Twelfth Planet and Earth Chronicles books, Robert Temple with his book The Sirius Mystery, Father Malachi Martin with his books and interviews about The Fatima Prophecies and The Three Days Of Darkness, Graham Hancock with The Fingerprints Of The Gods, William Cooper Moore with his book Behold A Pale Horse in correlation to Jessica Angry Little Girl with Lisa and Jenn with Bailey, Jessie and Sarah of Seven Supergirls, Isabelle Abierra, Michelle Dantes, Jessica Tawile, Jessica with Saaya Runa Rio of Sweetkiss Chase, Tldm with the conspiracy reports, Don McAlvany with the economic reports, Cliff High and Igor, Credo Muthwa with oil 2010 2011 at Gulf and new madrid fault line and Montagraph, The Bible, The Koran, The Satanic Bible, The Buddhist Texts, Indian Holy Books and Texts, etc., Scalar Haarp Tesla Theories explained by Thomas Bearden, Nibiru Vulcan from Marshall Masters, Barry Warmkessel etc., Demcad Reginald Kaigler et al and George For Title George Hemminger et al with survival advice, Believer's Underground with Scott Owen with post glacial rebound, Gerald Celente with his trends research, John Naisbitt with his megatrends, Stewart Best with the holy bible and revelations, Nibirumagick with his ice age and weather reports, Gabriella Rico Jimenez in Mexico with her youtube video with regards to reptilians, Von Helton with his conspiracy analysis and rants and reports, Jcattera with the planet x reports, Whdtv with the planet x and weather reports, Pedro Romero of Mexico with his exposes about witchcraft and satanism in his country like John Todd, Late Pastor David Meyer, Late Jojo Acuin of the Philippines, Cuttingedge Ministries, Edgar Cayce with the Great Lakes and polar shift and alternative medicine etc, Joe Brandt in 1937 with his visions about the birds that is currently happening around the world in 2010 and 2011 and superquakes with magnetosphere and magnetica and polar shift, Sun disease, etc. with the Bp Box Pandora Catastrophe. These people are not perfect even myself. They may have misinformations, disinformations, correct informations, wrong informations, perrsonal racial cultural ideological religious non-religious biases, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, prejudice, loves and hatreds etc. of their own. Just making that clear as Jessica Angry Little Girl is saying. And still prepare for evacuation and I mean intelligent evacuation with less reliance on the official grids. Sometimes you really need to be mobile and do it with this kind of times we are having. I will update more with regards to these. Theme Song===="Doomb Doomb Doomb Err Boom Boom Boom" by Paul Lekakis and check the economic reports of Marc Faber===="Rain Or Shine" by Five Star===="World Is Not Enough" by Garbage===="Cruisin For Bruisin" by Basia===="Hold Out Your Hand" by Nickelback from movie The Forsaken====tbc====....

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