Sunday, May 31, 2015

Seven Hell Seven Heaven Tourism Destination Location Dream

Tourism Destination. End Of the World. End Of The World Party. France Latin Quarter. Hell Heaven. Vacation Spots. Explain later.----tbc----....

Yagit Dream

Yagit. Alien Invasion. Bettina Carlos. Chack Doll. Just Kidding. Explain later.----tbc----....

German Moreno Ufo Seminar Location dream

Nazi Ufo. Hollow Earth. Real Ufo. Wolfenstein New Order. Alien Wars. Human Wars. Webbot. Nibiru. Explain later.----tbc----....

Empress Schuck Isabel Abierra Location Dream

Empress Schuck. Isabel Abierra. Kailan Tama Ang Mali. Pregnancy. Birth Pangs. Birth Fangs. Panday Bentot Junior Vampire White Lady Lamia Combine Cemetery Chase Scenes. Alasymorph. Aswang. Vampires. Zombie. Aswang. BG2 Ust Botanical Garden Stairs Door. Second Floor. Sss 666 Sandragon Sandraculalu(Lucila Lalu) Suravillalu Scifer-T. Lammashtu Lamia Lilith. Asteroid. Isis. Gps Cnn. Planet 7.5 Billion Miles Away Nibiru. Fox News. One Global Superquake Comprise of Different Cluster Earthquakes Around the World. Jessie Sarah Twininnies Third Twin Fourth Sister Amanda Grande Because She Looks Like Arianna Grande. Jessica Rebecca. March 13 2015 To May 29 2015 Onwards Dont Go to Washington San Andreas John Titor Joe Brandt 1937. Jojo San Andres. Reynerio Jojo Torres Junior. Comet Eurydice. Nibiru. Theme Song----"One Last Time" by Arianna Grande----Max Collins Max Landis Comet Eurydice Nibiru Sun Star Companion Ground The Solar System. Death Toll Estimated To Be In Excess Of One Billion(Actually Two Billion According To Prophecy And Conspiracy Websites)-West Cost Evacuation Fail-Global Temperature Rise Of Fifty Degrees(Actually Ice Age And Global Heating Extremes Side By Side Happening)Comet Of the Century(Not Match Of the Century)-President Calls For Calm-Panic And Rioting In Los Angeles-Destruction Expected To Reach As Far As Ukraine. Explain later.----tbc----....